UBC Food Services supports the campus community in many ways, including sponsoring campus events!

How it Works
We have an annual budget set aside for sponsoring events through products, services, gift baskets, gift cards and more. To request sponsorship, please:

Review our Sponsorship Critera
To determine if your event is eligible.

Fill Out the Sponsorship Form
At least four weeks before your event date.

We'll Review Your Application
Successful applicants will hear back within two weeks. Unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted.
Sponsorship Criteria

Brand Fit
While we would like to recognize and support every event, our goal is to partner with groups that have a strong match with our brand values.
To be eligible for sponsorship, your event must be a UBC staff, faculty or student event. Also, it must be related to the themes of sustainability (social, ecological, economic) or nutrition (wellness, healthy lifestyles).

Recognition Opportunities
You must provide at least four of the following:
✔ Logo recognition on promotional materials
✔ Logo recognition at the event
✔ Verbal recognition at the event
✔ Opportunity to place an advertisement
✔ Opportunity to display promotional materials at the event
✔ Opportunity to have a staffed booth at the event
✔ Tickets (if applicable) to event
Sponsorship Request Form
Please submit this form at least four weeks before your event date. We’ll review your application and successful applicants will hear back within two weeks. Unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted.