Happy Fair Trade Month! UBC has been a Fairtrade-designated campus since 2011, and is committed to serving 100% fair trade coffee and tea at all non-franchise UBC Food Services locations, Triple Os, and AMS food outlets! You can also find a selection of fair trade chocolate, snacks, and specialty foods at the UBC Bookstore and select UBC Food Services markets and dining halls.

What is Fair Trade?
Fair trade is a global movement that works to build a model of trade that ensures better prices, decent working conditions, no child labour, sound environmental practices, and strong business relationships between producers, companies, and consumers. Products you will commonly find with a fair trade designation include bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton, flowers, sugar, and tea, but there are a wide range of other commodities that can bear the fair trade mark.

What's Happening For Fair Trade Month?
Fairtrade Canada is hosting weekly giveaways on their Instagram feed, including a chance to win a year's worth of fair trade coffee and chocolate! Follow them to find out more.
On campus, look out for the limited edition fair trade Ponderosa Cake - coming soon to select UBC Food Services outlets!
To find out more about the fair trade movement, visit fairtrade.ca