Meal Plan Budget Calculator
These calculators will give you a rough estimate of how many Residence Dollars you should aim to spend each day of term in the three Residence Dining Rooms. Keep track of your spending through the SHCS Online Service Centre.
While Residence Dollars can also be spent at select retail locations, purchases at these locations receive less of a discount. The budgets calculated below reflect retail pricing in the dining rooms (i.e. Residence Dollars plus Overhead). When you make purchases in the Residence Dining Rooms, the retail price will be discounted by 25%. The discount is equivalent to the Overhead charge in your meal plan fees.
In addition to Residence Dollars, you have $630.30 Flex Dollars in Term One and $624.57 Flex Dollars in Term Two available to treat yourself to meals at other UBC Food Services locations and campus partners.
Calculate how much you can spend each day in Term One and Term Two in the Residence Dining Rooms with these budget calculators:
Term One
Days Away
Remembrance Day
Other Days Away
Last day of term in residence: December 2021
Meals away
Meals eaten outside of Residence Dining Rooms with Flex Dollars each week*
Meals eaten outside of the Residence Meal Plan each week**
Term Two
Days Away
Family Day
Other Days Away
Last day of term in residence: April 2022
Meals away
Meals eaten outside of Residence Dining Rooms with Flex Dollars each week*
Meals eaten outside of the Residence Meal Plan each week**
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