Healthy food doesn’t have to cost a lot! Stay healthy and on-budget with these 8 tips.
1. Avoid all bottled beverages.
Stick with tap water – it’s free and better for you than sugar-sweetened beverages. UBC also offers free infused tap water at Feast, Gather and Open Kitchen.
2. Choose plant-based proteins.
Plant-based proteins like beans and tofu are more affordable and sustainable than animal-based proteins.
3. Eat whole fruits.
Whole fruits offer more fibre, vitamins and long-term energy than 100% fruit juice, and are usually cheaper and less wasteful than pre-cut fruit.
4. Eat soups, stews and chilies.
Soups, stews and chilies are great affordable options. Aim for one with beans or lentils and skip the cream-based ones.
5. Choose whole grain options.
Whole grains like whole wheat bread and brown rice offer more fibre, iron and b-vitamins than refined grains like white bread and white rice. They are usually the same price as refined grains, but provide more nutrition and keep you fuller for longer.
6. Eat eggs.
Grab a hard boiled egg or two at breakfast for an inexpensive protein. Skip the muffins and loaves.
7. Add an avocado on the side.
Avocados are full of heathy fats and fibre, and tend to cost less than side dishes.
8. Skip the cake and cookies.
Save money on dessert and opt for a healthy snack like fruit and nuts instead.